5 JavaScript Books Every Web Developer Should Read
5 JavaScript Books Every Web Developer Should Read
After we have figured out that we should not use JavaScript for everything we can now take a look at what JavaScript is designed to do and how we can learn to use its power to our advantage. So here are the top 5 JavaScript books I have read in 2015. Many of these books are free to read online but all are worth the costs to get a printed version on dead trees!
JavaScript for Cats
The book JavaScript for Cats is the book for you if you are just starting out or don’t have a good grasps of some of the JavaScript basics. It will walk you through all the of the language features starting at Strings and going all the way to understanding Objects and Callbacks. Yery good and easy read!
Understanding EMCAScript 6
This book is all about understanding the new concepts introduced with the version 6 of JavaScript (or ECMAScript). It is really good for JavaScript veterans who want to be ready and get a few new tricks under their belt.
Eloquent JavaScript
Like the book for Cats Eloquent JavaScript is more for the JavaScript beginner but it has a much wider focus. Aside from the language basics you learn how the browser works and the differences to Node.js on the server side.
JavaScript Allongé, the “Six” Edition
Again this book, already in the 6th edition, covers all the language basics including many new features made available in the 6th version of JavaScript. Read this book for the most language feature coverage.
If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript
This book is truly a little strange and I don’t think I can do it justice with a description here. So read it yourself!