The Most Secure Cross Browser Testing Platform since 2012


BrowseEmAll Hosted Windows Installation Guide

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BrowseEmAll Hosted Windows Installation Guide

In this short guide we will show you how to use BrowseEmAll Hosted directly on Windows without using a Virtual Machine.

Please follow the below steps to install BrowseEmAll on your Windows machine:

1. Please install the Microsoft Remote App application found in the here

2. After installation please open the newly installed application.

3. Select Get Started in the new window


4. Enter the Username provided by our support team. Is should have the format [something]

5. Enter the password provided by us. You might get prompted to update your password

6. Select the invitation ‘Work Resources’ by and close the dialog afterwards

7. Now you should have the possibility to double click BrowseEmAll


8. After a few seconds BrowseEmAll should open as shown in the picture below.


You can now fully use BrowseEmAll directly on Windows, this includes Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10, 11! Have fun!

If you encounter any problems or have any questions please feel free to contact our support team.