Log4j Vulnerability
BrowseEmAll’s top priority remains the security of our clients and our product. So, BrowseEmAll is actively responding to the reported remote code execution vulnerability in the Log4j. …
On-Premise Cross-Browser Testing
In this post, I would like to show a few things that you might want to know about on-premise cross-browser testing and why our tools choose this approach. Of course, you will also learn if on-premise testing is the right solution for your use case …
Modern Manual and Automated Cross Browser Testing
Changing or adding information to the “chain” requires the authentication of everyone who is in the network. …
Code-Free Automated Browser Testing With Record & Play in BrowseEmAll 9
Today, it is uncommon to not have access to high-speed wireless internet, regardless of your location on Earth. …
[Video] Set Up A Selenium Grid Less Than A Minute
They play a role in making operations more seamless, bridging the gap between authorities, consumers and businesses. …
Creating A Cross-Platform .NET UI Application
If there’s one way that wireless technology has changed the way we work, it’s that everyone is now connected. …