The BrowseEmAll iPhone Simulator
The BrowseEmAll iPhone Simulator
How do you test your website or web application on the iPhone? Especially if you don’t own one or don’t want to deploy your website to an actual web server.
There are different iPhone simulators out there, like or But the results of these are rather poor and sometimes misleading. Today I would like to show you a different simulator and compare the results of this simulator to an actual device.
The BrowseEmAll iPhone simulator
BrowseEmAll is a desktop tool to help you to cross-browser test your website (or web application). It includes a pretty good iPhone simulator which is available as a 14-Day Evaluation for $1.As I’m the developer of BrowseEmAll, I’ll compare the rendering of the actual device (left) to the BrowseEmAll simulator rendering (right). Let’s see:
YouTube offers a mobile version of its homepage which turns up on the actual device. Here are the results:
New York Times
I’ll compare the rendering and scaling between the device and the BrowseEmAll simulator:
BrowseEmAll Homepage
To compare a site without fast updating content or location-based ads I’ve taken screenshots of the BrowseEmAll website as well.
As you can see, BrowseEmAll is not (yet) a pixel-perfect match, but it comes pretty close. The BrowseEmAll simulator comes in handy during development, as you can test without deployment to an actual web server. If you plan the final release of your website or web application, you should obviously test it on a real device as well.
Try it for yourself
Try the BrowseEmAll iPhone simulator for yourself! You can download the 14-Day Evaluation for $1 here.If you believe that your page does not render correctly with the simulator please let me know. You won’t regret it!